Food Safety HACCP
Level 2 Training

  • Covers Irish Legislation
  • CPD Accredited - 2 Credits
  • Meets the FSAI Requirements for Food Safety Training 
  • Unlimited Free Retakes
  • Instant Access & Certification
  • 100% Online Training
  • 100 Minute Completion Time
  • Full Certificate Awarded

About This Course

Our CPD Accredited HACCP Level 2 course covers the skills required for all employees working in food service, retail, and manufacturing sectors. This training has been developed in line with the exact requirements of the Food Safety Authority of Ireland’s guidelines on food safety training.

Course Content

  • Food Safety Awareness
  • Food Contamination and Prevention
  • Safe Food Procedures
  • Personal Hygiene
  • HACCP – Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points System
  • Food Safety Law in Ireland

Course Objectives

  • Identify the hazards and risks associated with food preparation
  • Define food poisoning, understand how it occurs
  • Identify the main causes of food contamination
  • Explain the importance of correct handling, storage, preparation, and cooking of food
  • Explain the legal responsibilities of the employee working with food
  • List the structural requirements of a food premises
  • Recognise a pest infestation and know how to implement controls
  • Define HACCP
  • Outline prerequisites to HACCP and the 7 principles of HACCP
  • Outline the importance of implementing and maintaining a HACCP system
  • Understand the requirements for establishing a HACCP system

Course Prerequisites

This course is delivered in English, a good understanding of written and oral English will be necessary to complete this training. 
This course includes "Closed Captions". The close captions are ideal for learners with hearing difficulties. They are also a great aid for an employee whose first language is not English but has a good grasp of the language.

HACCP Level 2 Course Lessons